Socratic Form Microscopy

Link Post – November 2018

by Zach Jacobi in Link Post

When a poet writes about his experience of becoming a lawyer after his release from jail, you know it’s going to be a punch in the gut. One thing I noticed: he would have had a much easier time reintegrating to society, finding a job, etc. had he been tried as a juvenile, rather than an adult. Has there been any meaningful study on recidivism rates between these two groups? You could compare 17 year olds and 18 year olds charged with the same crime and look at outcomes fifteen years down the road.

Segway’s patents are now at the core of the new crop of ride-sharing scooters, which may finally bring about the original promise of the Segway. Perhaps one element of Segway’s downfall (beyond how uncool they were) is how proper they were about everything. They worked hard to get laws passed that made it legal to ride Segways on the sidewalk, rather than “innovating on the regulatory side” (read: ignoring the law) like the scooter companies do.

The winner of the 2018 Boston Marathon is a delightfully dedicated oddball.

Housing can’t be both affordable and a good investment. Currently, “good investment” seems to be beating affordable in many cities and its residents’ groups that ostensibly support affordable housing that are fighting to keep it that way with restrictive zoning.

Does Canada even exist? Or is it a made up place Americans use as the homeland when travelling? I must admit, I’ve been convinced almost to the point of Canadagnosticism.

What would happen if you laid out all the contradictory information about rapid transit in Karachi in one place? “Something a bit post-modern and a bit absurd” seems to be the answer.

Dying scientist launches a desperate attempt to prove that his herpes vaccine works. In the movies, he’d be ultimately vindicated. In real life, several people are left with lingering side effects and all of the data he collected is tainted by poor methodology.

The whole “rich kids of Instagram” thing is full of pyramid schemes that advertise risky financial products to impoverished teens.

Political theorist Hannah Arendt once claimed that you must never say “who am I to judge”. A therapist sees dramatic improvements by teaching their clients to be more judgemental, seems to agree.

Whenever I read about bullshit jobs, I feel like economic competition needs to be turned up to 11 so that companies have no slack with which to hire people to do pointless tasks. One thing that progressives might not appreciate: the investor class probably hates bullshit jobs even more than they do; from the perspective of a stockholder, a bullshit job is management stealing their money so that the managers can get off on feeling powerful.